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Tag: biology

Asy’ari, M., Samsuri, T., Firdaus, L., Prayogi, S., Azmi, I., Mujriah, M., Hunaepi, H., Juliansyah, A., Kurnia, N., Aziza, I. F., & Rahmawati , H. (2023). Enhancing the quality of learning through training in PBL and TPACK-based teaching module. Sasambo: Jurnal Abdimas (Journal of Community Service), 5(4), 889–897. Abstract: “The goal…

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Toth, E. E. (2009). Virtual inquiry in the science classroom: What is the role of Technological  Pedagogical Content Knowledge? International Journal of Information & Communication Technology Education, 5(4), 78-87. Abstract: “The article presents a study conducted to assist teachers in their development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for classroom…

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Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2014). Teacher design in teams as a professional development arrangement for developing technology integration knowledge and skills of science teachers in Tanzania. Education and Information Technologies, 19(2), 1–18. Abstract: “This study investigated the impact of teacher design teams as a professional development…

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Chindongo, I. C. (2021). Teachers’ pedagogical beliefs on the use of YouTube videos for teaching and learning grade 9 life science concepts (Publication No. 30360958) [Master’s Thesis, University of Johannesburg]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “There are shared beliefs that the use of educational YouTube videos as a facilitating…

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Subagja, S., Rubini, B., & Kurniasih, S. (2023). The development of interactive multimedia based on TPACK to enhance students’ science process skills on living cell matter. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(5), 4055–4062. Abstract: “This work aims to create interactive multimedia based on TPACK to enhance students’ science process skills…

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Ristianafi, D. P., Isnaeni, W., & Widiyatmoko, A. (2023). TPACK capability analysis students of biology education study program on animal physiology learning with online learning models. Journal of Innovative Science Education, 12(1), 64-73. Abstract: “The aim of education in Indonesia is to educate the life of the nation. In…

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Johnson, C. C. (2022). Information and communications technology integration in Bahamian public high school biology classrooms (Publication No. 28964724) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “More research on information and communications technology (ICT) use for teaching and learning is needed, particularly since the almost global transition…

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Narulita, E., Utomo, A. P., Hariyadi, S., & Fauziah, L. F. (2019). Research-based biotechnology book with virtual laboratory for elevating TPACK of biology pre-service teacher. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(11), 297-310. Abstract: “This study aims to determine the development of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge…

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Soltura, R. T. (2021). Designing context-based video instruction in enhancing the conceptual understanding of grade XI students. Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review, 4(3), Article 409. Abstract: “This study generally aims to design context-based video instruction in accordance to TPACK framework in order to enhance the conceptual understanding…

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von Kotzebue, L. (2022). Two is better than one—Examining biology-specific TPACK and its T-dimensions from two angles. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Until now, TPACK has mostly been measured by subject-unspecific self-report measures. In contrast, this study introduces and analyzes an objective and…

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