Casler-Failing, S. (2021). Learning to teach mathematics with robots: Developing the “T” in technological pedagogical content knowledge. Research in Learning Technology, 29. Abstract: “A multiple case study was conducted to investigate how Lego robotics instruction incorporated into a middle grades mathematics methods course could inform pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) TPACK through…
Comments closedMonth: April 2023
Bueno, R. W. da S., Lieban, D., & Ballejo, C. C. (2021). Mathematics teachers’ TPACK development based on an online course with Geogebra. Open Education Studies, 3(1), 110–119. Abstract: “This paper aims to discuss the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) development by mathematics teachers (preservice and inservice) that participated in…
Comments closedBonafini, F. C., & Lee, Y. (2021). Investigating prospective teachers’ TPACK and their use of mathematical action technologies as they create screencast video lessons on iPads. TechTrends, 65(3), 303–319. Abstract: “The increasing number of technological devices available in schools, aligned with curriculum guidance, set an expectation for mathematics teachers to…
Comments closedWang, A., Yu, S., Wang, M. & Chen, L. (2023). Effects of the visual analytics of peer feedback on teachers’ TPACK development in a lesson study. Interactive Learning Environments. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Teacher networks and communities have played an important role in teacher professional development. In such contexts,…
Comments closedLiu, H., Yan, C., & Fu, J. (2022). Exploring livestream English teaching anxiety in the Chinese context: An ecological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 111, Article 103620. Abstract: “Drawing on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system and van Lier’s affordance, this study explored livestream English teaching anxiety experienced by high school teachers…
Comments closedHuang, S., Yin, H., Jin, Y., & Wang, W. (2022). More knowledge, more satisfaction with online teaching? Examining the mediation of teacher efficacy and moderation of engagement during COVID-19. Sustainability, 14(8), Article 4405. Abstract: “During the COVID-19 pandemic, university teachers need to spend time and energy getting used to…
Comments closedLai, D., Ling, L. S., & Yin, O. S. (2022). Synchronous display and whiteboard-like freehand writing app as teaching tool for virtual classroom amidst the pandemic. F1000Research, 10, Article 1308. Abstract: “Purpose: The research evaluates if teachers can achieve better teaching outcomes by using a proposed mobile interactive system…
Comments closedGreenwood, A. (2023). Librarians as teachers: A reflection on practice, identity, and the TPACK framework to enhance professional practice. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Teaching and librarianship are interrelated. This paper explores the author’s experiences and views of working as a librarian…
Comments closedTai, H.-C., Pan, M.-Y., & Lee, B.-O. (2015). Applying technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) model to develop an online English writing course for nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 35(6), 782–788. Abstract: “BackgroundLearning English as foreign language and computer technology are two crucial skills for nursing students not only…
Comments closedBartlett, A., Schneider, C.R., Penm, J., Mirzaei, A., & Kebodeaux, C. (2021). Use of visual dashboards to enhance pharmacy teaching. Pharmacy, 9, Article 93. Abstract: “Teaching large cohorts of pharmacy students with a team of multiple tutors in a feedback intensive course poses challenges in relation the amount of…
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