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Month: February 2021

Allen, D. S., Wood, A. J., Sponberg, E., & Arnold, T. M. (2019). Digitally mediated supervision: Redefining feedback systems in field-based courses. In T. E. Hodges & A. C. Baum (Eds.), Handbook of research on field-based teacher education (pp. 542–564). IGI Global. Abstract: “This chapter focuses on the praxis behind the development…

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Zidoun, Y., Dehbi, Talea, M., & El Arroum, F-Z. (2019). Designing a theoretical integration framework for mobile learning. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 13(12), 152–170. Actions Abstract: “New technologies are rapidly changing mobile learning and making it difficult to control. In addition to educational factors and learning content, a modern mobile…

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Yuyun, I. (2018). Curriculum and technology design: A course to explore technology applications in EFL curriculum design. Journal of ELT Research, 3(1), 78–86. Abstract: “Teaching and technology pedagogy should be mastered by a teacher in this digital era. It is an inevitable fact that teachers should realize. To be in line…

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Widorento, S., & Dwiastuti, S. (2019). Improving students’ thinking skill based on class interaction in discovery instructional: A case of lesson study. Indonesian Journal of Science Education, 8(3), 347–353. Abstract: “Lesson Study (LS) activity aims to improve teachers’ professionalism using discovery-based instructional design. Teachers’ professionalism was measured based on communication during…

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Wei, C., Xiaodong, W., Keijan, C., & Zhongda, L. V. (2019). Measurement and improvement path of TPACK context of professional teachers of civil engineering in higher education. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 65, 276­–291. Abstract: “In the information age, with the rapid emergence of multimedia computers, smart phones and various…

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Wang, S–W. (2019). The application of the interconnected model of professional growth and the change of teacher role in the development process of expert teacher. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 369, 239–239. Abstract:  “The cultivation of expert teacher symbolizes the improvement of educational quality. In recent years, the…

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Vasetskaya, N., & Glukhov, V. (2019). Transformation of university functions in the conditions of knowledge-digital economy. Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences, 1, 409–414. Abstract: “The subject of the research is the university in the conditions of knowledge economy. The purpose of the article is to analyze and rethink the basic functions…

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Uysal, S., & Gundogdu, K. (2019). Predictors of self-regulated learning skills of computer education and instructional technology (CEIT) students. International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences, 8(3), 29–40. Abstract: “In this correlational survey study, it was aimed to determine significant predictors of self-regulated learning skills of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) students.…

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Thinzarkyaw, W. (2020). The practice of technological pedagogical content knowledge of teacher educators in education colleges in Myanmar. Contemporary Educational Technology, 11(2), 159–176. Abstract: “The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of teacher educators (N=108) in three Education Colleges in Myanmar. A…

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Tan, L., Chai, C. S., Deng, F., Zheng, C. P., & Drajati, N. A. (2019). Examining pre-service teachers’ knowledge of teaching multimodal literacies: A validation of a TPACK survey. Educational Media International, 56(4), 285–299. Abstract: “Several studies have been undertaken to develop instruments to measure English teachers’ TPACK, but few studies…

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