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Month: March 2023

Benning, I., Linsell, C., & Ingram, N. (2023). Examining the changes in mathematics teachers’ technology dispositions through GeoGebra-mediated professional development. Asian Journal for Mathematics Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Drawing on a technology dispositions framework, this study examined the changes in teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, competence, and behavioral intentions toward…

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Barisic, K. D., & Nemet, M. B. (2023). The impact of the teacher education study program on the development of TPACK. Journal of Elementary Education, 16(1), 79-92. Abstract: “This study compares students’ TPACK at the beginning and at the end of their college education according to their involvement and…

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Ali, Z., Azam, R., & Saba, F. (2023). Technological pedagogical and content knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers in Karachi, Pakistan: A quantitative study. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 3(1), 678-688. Abstract: “This study examined how aspiring educators describe technological pedagogical content knowledge, how its components relate to one…

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Cyril, N., Ng, K. T., Nanthini, D., Sinniah, S., & Shukor, S. (2022). Exploring secondary schools science teachers cognizance on TPACK in technology enhanced learning during the 3rd wave of COVID-19. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 5(3), 1143-1153. Abstract: “Technology in education has become an important…

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Foley, T., & Curtin, A. (2022). Blended learning: The “new normal” in education delivery. International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning, 7(2), 21-34. Abstract: “Successful blended learning contexts engage students in highly interactive virtual learning environments through a mix of online and face-to-face teaching, learning and assessment modalities. This…

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Kusuma, I. (2022). How does a TPACK-related program support EFL pre-serviceteachers’ flipped classrooms?. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 300-325. Abstract: “A worldwide discussion about Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (henceforth, TPACK)-related program or a program that provides technology, pedagogy, and content courses related to EFL flipped…

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Lu, G., Liu, Q., Xie, K., Long, T., & Zheng, X. (2022). Quality or quantity: How do teachers’ knowledge and beliefs persuade them to engage in technology integration in a massive government-led training programme?. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Technology integration refers to the process of innovation…

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Shahid. F., & Abiodullah, M. (2022). Challenges faced by B.Ed. (Hons.) elementary prospective teachers for TPACK implementation in practicing teaching during COVID-19. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(II), 156-166. Abstract: “This study aims to explain the challenges faced by B.Ed. (Hons.) elementary prospective teachers for TPACK implementation in practicing teaching…

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Huang, F., Qi, J., & Xie, A. (2022). Sustaining teaching with technology after the quarantine: Evidence from Chinese EFL teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. Sustainability 14(14), Article 8774. Abstract: “Given that little is known about English teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK), this study examined teachers’ TPACK…

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Huang, X., Huang, L. & Lajoie, S.P. (2022). Exploring teachers’ emotional experience in a TPACK development task. Educational Technology Research and Development, 70(4), 1283–1303. Abstract: “Teacher emotions could make a difference to the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), a complicated knowledge essential for effective teaching with technology. Both experienced and novice teachers reported having experienced a series…

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