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Month: January 2022

Lock, J., Kim, B., Koh, K., & Wilcox, G. (2018). Navigating the tensions of innovative assessment   and pedagogy in higher education. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9, Article 8. Abstract: “Innovative practice in a classroom adds challenges and tensions to programs and institutional structures in higher education.…

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Krauskopf, K., Foulger, T. S., & Williams, M. K. (2018). Prompting teachers’ reflection of their professional knowledge. A proof-of-concept study of the graphic assessment of TPACK instrument. Teacher Development, 22(2), 153–174. doi:10.1080/13664530.2017.1367717 Abstract: “Many educational technology proponents support the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model as a way to conceptualize teaching with…

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Krauskopf, K., & Forssell, K. (2018). When knowing is believing: A multi-trait analysis of self-reported TPCK. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 34(5), 482-491. Abstract: “In an effort to understand teachers’ technology use, recent scholarship has explored the idea of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK or TPACK). Many studies have used self‐reports…

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Krause, J. M., & Lynch, B. M. (2018). Faculty and student perspectives of and experiences with TPACK in PETE. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 9(1), 58–75. doi:10.1080/25742981.2018.1429146  Abstract: “Physical education teacher education (PETE) students are required to use technology to enhance planning and implementation, instructional delivery and management, and professional…

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Kirikcilar, R. G., & Yildiz, A. (2018). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) craft: Utilization of the TPACK when designing the geogebra activities. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 11, 101–116. doi:10.24193/adn.11.1.8 Abstract: “There are many studies with a focus on examining and developing individuals’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). When examining these studies, one can…

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Kiray, S. A., Celik, I., & Colakoglu, M. H. (2018). TPACK self-efficacy perceptions of science teachers: A structural equation modeling study. Education and Science. Advance online                     publication, 1–16. doi:10.15390/EB.2018.7538 Abstract: “The purpose of this study is to reveal the relation between Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) sub-dimensions of science teachers in Turkey.…

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Kim, D., & Kim, W. (2018). TPACK of faculty in higher education: Current status and future directions. Educational Technology International, 19, 153–173.  Abstract: “The purpose of this study was to investigate teaching competence of faculty members based on TPACK which should be examined to ensure high quality in higher education for the…

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Kartal, T., & Afacan, O. (2017). Examining Turkish pre-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) based on demographic variables. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 14, 1–22. Abstract: “Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) can be viewed as a new concept for the educational technology world. However, there are many studies related to…

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Kale, U., Akcaoglu, M., Cullen, T., Goh, D., Devine, L., Calvert, N., & Grise, K. (2018). Computational what? Relating computational thinking to teaching. TechTrends, 62, 574–584. Abstract: “Computational thinking is one of the skills critical for successfully solving problems posed in a technology driven and complex society. The limited opportunities in…

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Jimenez, J. D., & Moorhead, L. (2017). Recasting the history textbook as an e-book: The collaborative creation of student-authored interactive texts. History Teacher, 50(4), 565–595.  Abstract: “The article discusses technology integration into the high school history classroom through the use of e-textbooks (electronic textbooks). A framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called…

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