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Month: July 2023

Thyssen, C., Huwer, J., Irion, T., & Schaal, S. (2023). From TPACK to DPACK: The “digitality-related pedagogical and content knowledge”-model in STEM-education. Education Sciences, 13(8), Article 769. Abstract: “Digitalization is a keyword in the discourse of educational science, but it is often linked to technological challenges, although digital changes…

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Lopez, R. T. (2023). Preparing in-service elementary teachers to support English language learners: A qualitative case study of a job-embedded professional development using TPACK (Publication No. 30248978) [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Carolina]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “Nation-wide, the number of English Language Learners (ELL) in our classrooms…

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Li, N., & Zhang, X. (2023). Using a Moodle-based digital escape room to train competent EMI lecturers and instructors in a multilingual environment. In J. Corbett, E. M. Yan, J. Yeoh, & J. Lee (Eds.), Multilingual education yearbook 2023 (pp. 191-211). Springer. Abstract: “Professional development for teachers in English…

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Degar, K. S. (2023). Online professional development’s effect on teachers’ technology self-efficacy and continuance intention to use Pear Deck (Publication No. 30309940) [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Carolina]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “Districts and schools are spending millions of dollars on technology, training, and professional development each year;…

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Çeşme, H., & Çimen, B. (2023). The relationships among TPACK, the TAM and online education satisfaction: Structural equation modelling. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 14(5), 281-289. Abstract: “Online education faculty satisfaction plays an important role in online education achievement. However, research investigating faculty satisfaction in online educational setting…

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Falore, O. J., & Oredein, A. O. (2023). Virtual classroom management during COVID-19 in Nigeria: Insights from TPACK. Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(2), 188-197. Abstract: “This study explores virtual classroom management in the context of Nigeria, a developing country that faces challenges in adopting technology for teaching and learning…

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Moodley, K. (2023). Developing a framework for professional teacher technical identity development through mobile learning. Progressio. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Teacher identity development is an ongoing and dynamic process whereby individuals negotiate external and internal expectations as they make sense of themselves and their work as educators. With the…

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Mangundu, J. (2023). STEM preservice teachers’ e-readiness for online multimodal teaching methods usage in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Analysis through the adapted TPACK framework. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Education institutions globally, are increasingly driven to integrate innovative technologies in teaching…

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Tomas, C. L. (2023). Performance of grade 11 students in oral communication in context: Inputs to the development of technology integrated supplemental materials. E-DAWA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 3(1), 112-130. Abstract: “Conducted during the academic year 2021-2022, this descriptive-correlational study aimed to determine the performance of Grade 11…

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Lie, A., Tamah, S. M., & Gozali, I. (2023). Appropriating TPACK in preparation for hybrid learning: Innovations in teaching practices. MEXTESOL Journal, 47(3),1-19. Abstract: “The sudden school suspension during the Covid-19 pandemic forced 218,234 primary and secondary schools in Indonesia to shift into emergency remote teaching (ERT) when internet…

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