Cui, Y., & Zhang, H. (2021). Educational neuroscience training for teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge construction. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 792723. Abstract: “The attention to the laws of the brain and the mechanism of learning in the smart education era becomes the starting point for the convergence and…
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Adegbenro, B. J., & Gumbo, T. M. (2015). Exploring the conceptual relationship between teachers’ procedural functional knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. South African Journal of Higher Education, 29(5), 29-47. Abstract: “This article reports on a study that was designed to formally explore the relationship between procedural functional knowledge (PrFK)…
Comments closedMcGrath, J., Karabas, G., & Willis. J. (2011). From TPACK concept to TPACK practice: An analysis of the suitability and usefulness of the concept as a guide in the real world of teacher development. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 1-23. Abstract: “This paper describes the…
Comments closedHarris, J., Grandgenett, N., & Hofer, M. (2012). Testing an instrument using structured interviews to assess experienced teachers’ TPACK. In C. D. Maddux, D. Gibson, & R. Rose (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2012 (pp. 15-22). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Abstract:…
Comments closedDart, S., Cunningham, S., Gregg, A. & Young, A. (2023). Defining the capabilities required to teach engineering: Insights for achieving the Australian sector’s future vision. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Professional engineering practice is being transformed by technological developments, globalisation, and changes in societal expectations.…
Comments closedRochsantiningsih, D., & Aniq, L. N. (2023). Teachers’ voices of TPACK practices on ELT in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of English Language Teaching Innovations and Materials (Jeltim), 5(1), 17-30. Abstract: “This narrative study aimed to interpret evolving themes of teachers’ TPACK practices through an entirely different lens. This study…
Comments closedChieng, Y. E., & Tan, C. K. (2021). A sequential explanatory investigation of TPACK: Malaysian science teachers’ survey and perspective. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(5), 235-241. “Like several other countries, Malaysia sees information and communications technology (ICT) as a potential tool for improving education quality. However,…
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