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Tag: skills

Adegbenro, B. J., & Gumbo, T. M. (2015). Exploring the conceptual relationship between teachers’ procedural functional knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. South African Journal of Higher Education, 29(5), 29-47. Abstract: “This article reports on a study that was designed to formally explore the relationship between procedural functional knowledge (PrFK)…

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Van Allen, J., & Katz, S. (2023). Viewing open education within the technological, pedagogical, content framework: Illustrating educator knowledge, skills and dispositions. Research in Learning Technology, 31(2829). Abstract: “Without interrogation, educators may reproduce hegemonic materials and learning opportunities that are simply easier to access in open educational practices (OEP).…

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Albrahim, F. A. (2020). Online teaching skills and competencies. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 19(1), 9–20. Abstract: “This paper sheds light on the skills and competencies required for teaching online courses in higher education. The paper started with an overview of the issues related to online learning and teaching. Reviewing…

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