Goodman, J., Handa, V., Wilson, R. E., & Bradbury, L. U. (2024). Promises and pitfalls: Using an AI chatbot as a tool in 5E lesson planning. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 9(1). Abstract: “The authors describe how we approached using an AI chatbot, ChatGPT, during the spring 2023 semester with…
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Richardson, K. W. (2009). Looking at/looking through: Teachers planning for curriculum-based learning with technology (Publication No. 3371354) [Doctoral dissertation, College of William & Mary]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “This interpretivist study drew upon the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006; Thompson & Mishra, 2007-2008;…
Comments closedCiampa, K., & Gallagher, T. L. (2013). Professional learning to support elementary teachers’ use of the iPod Touch in the classroom. Professional Development in Education, 39, 201-221. Abstract: “This single case study reports on the programme of professional learning that a Canadian staff of elementary teachers (Junior Kindergarten to…
Comments closedSabo, K. (2013). A mixed-methods examination of influences on the shape and malleability of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in graduate teacher education students (Publication No. 3588303) [Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University].ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract (excerpt): “Concerted efforts have been made within teacher preparation programs to integrate teaching…
Comments closedPringle, R., Dawson, K., & Ritzhaupt, A. (2015). Integrating science and technology: Using technological pedagogical content knowledge as a framework to study the practices of science teachers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24, 648-662. Abstract: “In this study, we examined how teachers involved in a yearlong technology integration…
Comments closedKrauskopf, K., Zahn, C., Hesse, F. W., & Pea, R. D. (2014). Understanding video tools for teaching: Mental models of technology affordances as inhibitors and facilitators of lesson planning in history and language arts. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43, 230-243. Abstract: “The aim of this study was to investigate…
Comments closedGoyer, A. M. (2023). Supporting pre-service elementary teachers’ early algebraic thinking with technology through lesson planning and TPACK [Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno]. ScholarWorks: University of Nevada, Reno. Abstract: “Algebraic thinking is an essential component of the K-12 mathematics curriculum. Early algebra focuses on the overall numeric structure…
Comments closedGuo, C. (2021). Student teachers’ TPACK development and technology integration in the shared collective lesson planning (Publication No. 28866334) [Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Albany]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “Collaborative lesson planning is an effective teacher training approach for improving teaching skills. One critical challenge…
Comments closedDarkwa, B., & Agyei, D. (2021). Developing technology pedagogical and content knowledge in pre-service accounting teachers with the use of audio-visuals: A Ghanaian perspective. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9(7), 431-451. Abstract: “The paper focused on how eight pre-service teachers developed their TPACK to integrate audio-visual materials in teaching concepts in…
Comments closedMcKitrick-Rojas, K. L. (2022). A case study on targeted support using TPACK model for newly hired secondary mathematics teachers (Publication No. 29069518) [Doctoral dissertation, Old Dominion University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “As teachers plan for instruction, technology integration is an important factor in the planning and implementation process.…
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