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Tag: TPACK-Practical

Uçar, M. B. (2024). Exploring in-service science teachers’ proficiency levels and nature of interactions among components of technological pedagogical and content knowledge-practical (Publication No. 108296) [Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University]. OpenMETU. Abstract: “This study aimed to explore the proficiency levels and the nature of interplays among Technological Pedagogical…

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Yeh, Y., Hsu, Y., Wu, H., Hwang, F. & Lin, T. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-practical) through the Delphi survey technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), 707-722. Abstract: “Technological pedagogical content knowledge TPACK refers to the knowledge set that teachers currently use to further improve…

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Yeh, Y. F., Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., & Hwang, F. K. (2015). Science teachers’ proficiency levels and patterns of TPACK in a practical context.  Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24, 78-90. Abstract: “Technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-P) refers to a unified body of…

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Ay, Y., Karadağ, E., & Acat, M. B. (2014).  The technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-practical) model:  Examination of its validity in the Turkish culture via structural equation modelling.  Computers and Education, 88, 97-108. Abstract:  “The purpose of this study was to examine the construct of the Technological Pedagogical Content…

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Yeh, Y.-F., Hwang, F.-K., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2015). Applying TPACK-P to a teacher education program. In Y.-S. Hsu (Ed.), Development of science teachers’ TPACK (pp. 71–88). Springer. Abstract: “We propose a teacher community called the learning module design team (LMDT) in which preservice teachers, in-service teachers, and science education researchers’…

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Yeh, Y.-F., Chien, S.-P., Wu, H.-K., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2015). Rubrics of TPACK-P for teaching science with ICTs. In Y.-S. Hsu (Ed.), Development of science teachers’ TPACK (pp. 53–70). Springer. Abstract: “Advances in information communication technologies (ICTs) have diversified teacher instruction. The appropriateness of representation selections and learning activity designs…

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Lin, T.-C., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2015). The current status of science teachers’ TPACK in Taiwan from interview data. In Y.-S. Hsu (Ed.), Development of science teachers’ TPACK (pp. 33–50). Springer. Abstract: “Teachers’ knowledge about technology-infused instruction has recently attracted much research attention. This chapter focuses on science teachers’ technological pedagogical…

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Hsu, Y.-S., Yeh, Y.-F., & Wu, H.-K. (2015). The TPACK-P framework for science teachers in a practical teaching context. In Y.-S. Hsu (Ed.), Development of science teachers’ TPACK (pp. 17–32). Springer. Abstract: “TPACK refers to the knowledge construct that teachers rely on to facilitate their instruction with technology. In order…

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Malope, M. L. (2021). Comparing the technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical proficiency of novice and experienced life sciences teachers (Publication No. 28935414) [Master’s thesis, University of Johannesburg]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “Teachers strive to make teaching and learning meaningful for learners by integrating technology during their classroom practice. It…

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