Nieves Licwinko, K. (2024). Technology integration among special education certified co-teachers in the inclusion classroom. Journal of Special Education Technology. Abstract: “This study explored the technology integration attitudes and perspectives of special education co-teachers within the United States. The sample consisted of 300 special education co-teachers working in the…
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Windfont, C. M. (2024). Secondary special education teachers’ perception of technology integration and its use in classroom instructions (Publication No. 15375) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Abstract: “At a mid-size suburban school district located in Texas, secondary special education teachers are not integrating technology routinely…
Comments closedCourey, S., LePage, P., Siker, J., Roschelle, J., & Blackorby, J. (2012). Preparing middle school mathematics teachers: Rethinking engagement and learning. The Mathematics Enthusiast. Advance online publication. Abstract: “In this theoretical research paper we describe a collaborative effort between researchers and university faculty to improve how teachers are prepared…
Comments closedLyublinskaya, I., & Tournaki, N. (2014). Preparing special education teachers to teach mathematics and science with technology: A study of teachers’ surveys and lesson plans. In L. Liu & D. Gibson (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2014 (pp. 19-26). AACE. Abstract: “This study focuses on the development…
Comments closedTournaki, N., & Lyublinskaya, I. (2015). TPACK for teaching mathematics and science and differentiation of instruction: Case study with pre-service special educators. In L. Liu & D. C. Gibson (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2015 (pp. 37-44). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). Abstract: “In…
Comments closedLyublinskaya, I. & Tournaki, N. (2015). Examining the relationship between self and external assessment of TPACK of pre-service special education teachers. In L. Liu & D. C. Gibson (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2015 (pp. 29-36). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). Abstract: “This study…
Comments closedLyublinskaya, I. (2015). Evolution of a course for special education teachers on integrating technology into math and science. In M. L. Niess & H. Gillow-Wiles (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education in the digital age (pp. 521-547). Information Science Reference. Abstract: “This chapter describes a two-year development of…
Comments closedLicwinko, K. N. (2022). Co-teach tech: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study of special education co-teachers integrating technology into their practice (Publication No. 30245700) [Doctoral dissertation, New Jersey City University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “This explanatory sequential mixed methods study aimed to examine the current technology integration attitudes…
Comments closedKatowitz, D. R. (2021). The collective perceptions of K-12 special education teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic (Publication No. 28776419) [Doctoral dissertation, Temple University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “In the spring of 2020, nearly every school aged student and K-12 teacher across the United States was forced to participate…
Comments closedThompson, K. (2022). Teachers’ experiences using AAC devices to manage inappropriate behavior: A basic qualitative study (Publication No. 29992233) [Doctoral dissertation, Capella University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “The problem of this basic qualitative study explored whether there is an underrepresentation of information surrounding strategies, systems, and programs special…
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