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Tag: secondary teachers

Musthofa, B., Nyoman, I., Setyosari, P., & Sulthoni, S. (2024). Indonesian teachers’ acceptance on online teaching technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Educational Research, 13(2), 497–509. Abstract: “This study investigates the impact of external variables, technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) self-efficacy, and facilitating conditions on teacher…

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Rodríguez, J. L. (2024). Virtual reality in the classroom: a difficult but exciting adventure for teachers and students. Frontiers in Education, 9. Abstract: “Virtual reality (VR) enables the creation of immersive and interactive learning environments for students and teachers. This article reports on an exploratory teaching practice conducted with…

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Colao, J. (2023). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Public Secondary Science Teachers in the New Normal Education. Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 14(2), 110-133. Abstract: “This study focuses in determining the TPCK of Public Secondary Science teachers in the new normal education using the TPCK framework. Through quantitative research…

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Saputri, E. (2023). Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in teaching speaking: Teachers’ beliefs and practices [Master’s thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto]. Abstract: “Teacher’s Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) becomes the crucial issue in the education field because it contributes to the quality of the teaching and learning process. This…

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Windfont, C. M. (2024).  Secondary special education teachers’ perception of technology integration and its use in classroom instructions (Publication No. 15375) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Abstract: “At a mid-size suburban school district located in Texas, secondary special education teachers are not integrating technology routinely…

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Kastorff, T., & Stegmann, K. (2024). Teachers’ technological (pedagogical) knowledge–predictors for students’ ICT literacy? Frontiers in Education, 9, Article 1264894. Abstract: “With the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into curricula, teachers are responsible for promoting ICT literacy among secondary school students, which requires in-depth technological knowledge (TK) and…

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Terpstra, M. A. (2009). Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Preservice teachers’ perceptions of how they learn to use educational technology in their teaching (Publication No. 3381410) [Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “This study uses activity theory and current conceptions of knowledge for teaching content…

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Holmes, K.(2009).  Planning to teach with digital tools: Introducing the interactive whiteboard to pre-service secondary mathematics teachers. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(3), 351-365. Abstract:  “Teaching is a complex endeavour that requires teachers to meld knowledge about the nature of learners, pedagogical strategies and discipline content. In recent years…

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Tanti, M., & Moran, W. (2009). Warts and all: Integrating ICT in teacher training. International Journal of Learning, 16(8), 641-655. Abstract: “This paper examines a retrospective view of a final year secondary teacher education unit which has explored the use of an integrative method. Over a period of three years…

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Lee, M. H. & Tsai, C. C. (2010). Exploring teachers’ perceived self-efficacy and technological pedagogical content knowledge with respect to educational use of the World Wide Web. Instructional Science, 38(1), 1-21. Abstract: “Research in the area of educational technology has claimed that Web technology has driven online pedagogy such…

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