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Tag: secondary schools

Aladawiya, R., Suparno, & Fidhyallah, N. F. (2023). Microlearning videos through Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge: The lens of user experience. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi, Perkantoran, dan Akuntansi, 4(2), 226-232. Abstract: “This research aims to explore and understand user experiences in the context of developing technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge-based…

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Gao, X. (2023). Research on the integration strategy of secondary school teaching and information technology in the background of Internet. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1). Abstract: “The form of teaching using the combination of Internet resources and information technology has not yet been perfected and popularized in many…

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Bruér, M. (2023). Historical thinking in a digital environment: Swedish history teaching analysed through a TPACK lens. Clío, 49, 57–71. Abstract: “This paper presents results from a large-scale study of history teachers in Swedish secondary schools. The study examines perceptions of history, content being taught, teaching methods and use…

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Taufik, B. E., Sudarsono, S., & Ikhsanudin, I. (2024). A case study of teacher’s Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in teaching English after pandemic. TELL-US JOURNAL, 9(4). Abstract: “TPACK is the knowledge that teacher should be mastered it is included technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. This research aims to…

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Njiiri, G. G., Oigara, P., & Mobisa, J. (2024). Teacher-related factors impacting integration of information and communication technology in teaching in public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. International Research Journal of Social Science Education and Humanities, 6(1). Abstract: “One of the issues society faces in the…

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Okono, E., Wangila, E., & Chebet, A. (2023). Implications of virtual laboratory-based instruction on students’ learning of physics in secondary schools in Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 4(2), 1143-1151. Abstract: “Information and communications technology (ICT) incorporation in teaching physics in Kenyan secondary schools cannot be overlooked, given the…

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Pagiling, S. L., Nur’aini, K. D., & Mokoagow, E. I. (2023). The novice mathematics teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A case study. Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal, 13(2), 126-140. Abstract: “This study seeks to characterize the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of novice lower secondary mathematics teachers who do and…

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Whitworth, S. (2007). Secondary world history teachers’ integration of technology into the classroom: A mixed-method approach. (Publication No. 3306902) [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “In the social studies classroom, using technology, students may gain access to expansive knowledge, broaden their exposure to diverse…

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Ingram-Jones, S. A. (2012). Digit’s digital world: A study of mathematics, technology, and student achievement (Publication No. 3540451) [Doctoral dissertation, Capella University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “The purpose of the mixed method study was to determine how and to what extent mathematic teachers were integrating technology into secondary…

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Warioba, M. M., Machumu, H., Kulunga, K., & Mtweve, L. (2021). Adoption of ICT as a pedagogical tool in community secondary schools in Tanzania: Possibilities and constraints. Education and Information Technologies, 27(2), 2835–2858. Abstract: “The paper explores possibilities and constraints for adopting Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a pedagogical…

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