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Tag: qualitative

Mannong, A. B. M., Setiawan, S., & Munir, A. (2023). Infusing TPACK domains in lesson plan: Higher English education teachers’ standpoints, Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Education and literature, 1(7), 25-32. Abstract: “This study aimed to explore the knowledge of five English language lecturers regarding the design…

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Donohue, T. H., & Aladé, F. (2024). Early childhood teachers’ reflections on participating in a district-wide one-to-one device program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 67, 274–282. Abstract: “This qualitative study explored how kindergarten teachers talked about their experiences implementing tablets in their classrooms as part of a district-wide one-to-one device…

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Fauziah, S., Nasrullah, N., & Asrimawati, I. F. (2023). An analysis of technological content knowledge (TCK) of English teachers in vocational high school. Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature, 15(2), 290-303. Abstract: “Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) is the knowledge of integrating technology into learning materials. The previous research examined TCK…

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Kim, H., Song, J., & Ha, S. (2024). TPACK expression patterns in preservice teachers’ design of innovative physics teaching and learning materials. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Portico. Abstract: “Background: TPACK is a widely used framework for assessing teachers’ competence in integrating technology in education. However, previous studies have…

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 Shiu, W. H. C. (2024). Teacher learning in Hong Kong: Primary English language teachers’ cognitions about online teaching to survive or thrive during COVID-19. Teachers and Teaching. Abstract: “This study aimed to explore ESL teachers’ perceptions of online teaching during the COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong. A qualitative multiple-case…

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Windfont, C. M. (2024).  Secondary special education teachers’ perception of technology integration and its use in classroom instructions (Publication No. 15375) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Abstract: “At a mid-size suburban school district located in Texas, secondary special education teachers are not integrating technology routinely…

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Adnan, M., Tondeur, J., Scherer, R., & Siddiq, F. (2024). Profiling teacher educators: ready to prepare the next generation for educational technology use? Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Abstract: “This study explores ICT profiles of teacher educators to understand personal, pedagogical and organisational factors affecting technology use in teacher education.…

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Crawford, E. L. (2024).  Middle school teachers’ perceptions of using Google Classroom with integrated apps (Publication No. 15356) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Abstract: “The problem addressed through this qualitative study was that middle school teachers in a suburban public school district in the southern United…

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Simuja, C., & Shikesho, H. (2024). Investigating the experiences of mathematics teacher technology integration in the selected rural primary schools in Namibia. International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Education, 3(1), 1–15. Abstract: “This qualitative case study investigated the experiences of 15 purposely selected mathematics teachers’ technology integration in Namibia’s selected rural…

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Yanti, M., Rahayu, D.P., & Rabbani, A. (2024). Analysis of the implementation of science learning based on teachers’ Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) capabilities. Journal of Science Education Research, 8(1), 42-55. Abstract: “Teachers play a crucial role in facilitating students’ understanding and making science material more accessible. To…

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