Lee S-M, Wu JG. Preparing teachers for the future: Microteaching in the immersive VR environment. ReCALL. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0958344024000089 Abstract: “The present study aims to explore how pre- and in-service language teachers incorporate the cutting-edge technology of immersive virtual reality (iVR) into their teaching practice. Specifically, the study examined how…
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Amnouychokanant, V. (2023). Integrated Instruction to Develop Information Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(18). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v23i18.6623 Abstract: “This study designed a technologically integrated course to develop the information literacy skills of 100 first-year students from the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, Thailand. The Technological Pedagogical Content…
Comments closedAbouelenein, Y.A.M., & Selim, S.A.S. (2024). Impact of digital interventions on the development of TPACK: Interviews, reports, and video simulation among pre-service teachers. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12422-z Abstract: “It is a truth of today’s world that there is a growing investment in advancing technological opportunities in education. The literature contains a substantial…
Comments closedLasak, P. ., Chaichowarat , R. ., & Saeueng, A. . (2023). When teacher educator use Design Thinking (DT) to design learning experiences for mathematics student teacher. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning, 4(3), 1–10. https://so10.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jote/article/view/1004 Abstract: “This article aims to explore how to use Design Thinking (DT) to create a…
Comments closedGromik, N., Litz, D., & Liu, B. (2023). Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge: An Australian case study. Education Sciences, 14(1), 37. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14010037 Abstract: “Teacher Education students, at the bachelor’s and post-graduate level, complete programs that expose them to educational theories and best teaching practices. However, the extant literature has repeatedly…
Comments closedBwalya, A., Rutegwa, M., Tukahabwa, D., & Mapulanga, T. (2023). Enhancing pre-service biology teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge through a TPACK-based technology integration course. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 22(6), 956–973. https://doi.org/10.33225/jbse/23.22.956 Abstract: “The effective use of technology in teaching can aid in enhancing the teaching and learning of a…
Comments closedMerjovaara, O., Eklund, K., Nousiainen, T., Karjalainen, S., Koivula, M., Mykkänen, A., & Hämäläinen, R. (2024). Early childhood pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards digital technologies and their relation to digital competence. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12237-y Abstract: “This study examines early childhood pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards digital technologies and their relations…
Comments closedBackfisch, I., Franke, U., Ohla, K., Scholtz, N., & Lachner, A. (2023). Collaborative design practices in pre-service teacher education for technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): Group composition matters. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 51(4), 579–604. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42010-023-00192-z Abstract: “Collaborative design practices, in which pre-service teachers construct lesson plans in small groups, is regarded as beneficial…
Comments closedNautiyal, R., & Dabral, P. (2023). Exploring pre-service teachers’ perspectives on TPACK: Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge. Journal of Mountain Research, 18(2), 339-346. https://doi.org/10.51220/jmr.v18i2.37 Abstract: “In the context of educational transformation, the integration of innovations into teacher education programs is essential for enhancing the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. Teachers…
Comments closedKasim, U., Muslem, A., Mustafa, F., & Ibrahim, H. (2024). TPACK, English proficiency, and technology applications in pre-service English teacher professional development teaching practice. Language Related Research. Advance online publication. https://lrr.modares.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=72105&sid=14&slc_lang=en&ftxt=0 Abstract: “English proficiency as the content knowledge for English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers determines their instructional quality.…
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