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Tag: pre-service teachers

Tafli, T. (2021). A comparative study on TPACK self-efficacy of prospective biology teachers from the faculties of education & science. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 13(3), 2957-2980. Abstract: “Due to the different applications in the execution of the teaching profession in Turkey, the aim of this research is to…

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Dewi, N., Rusilowati, A., Saptono, S., & Haryani, S. (2022). Project-based scaffolding TPACK model to improve learning design ability and TPACK of pre-service science teacher. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 11(3), 420-432. Abstract: “Learning design abilities and TPACK are very much needed by prospective science teachers to prepare science learning in…

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Bwalya, A., & Rutegwa, M. (2023). Technological pedagogical content knowledge self-efficacy of pre-service science and mathematics teachers: A comparative study between two Zambian universities. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(2), em2222. Abstract: “Pre-service science and mathematics teachers’ beliefs and attitudes concerning technology integration significantly influence how confident they…

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Peligro, V. C. (2022). Technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of the pre-service science teachers in Caraga region. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences, VI(XII). Abstract: “TPACK is a dynamic and transactional relationship between content, pedagogy, and technology. It is vital for good teaching with technology…

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Karlsson, G., & Nilsson, P. (2023). Capturing student teachers’ TPACK by using T-CoRe and video-annotation as self-reflective tools for flexible learning in teacher education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “The aim was to investigate how a reflective tool, the T-CoRe, in combination with annotated self-recorded videos and reflective writing,…

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Trevisan, O., & De Rossi, M. (2023) Preservice teachers’ dispositions for technology integration: Common profiles in different contexts across Europe. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Technology integration in education has a great potential for learning, provided it is based on solid teacher knowledge and pedagogical reasoning. Teacher Technological Pedagogical Content…

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Wahab, A. D. A., Wahab, J. A., Bachtiar, I., & Nisrina, N. (2023). The effectiveness of materials based on content and language-integrated learning (CLIL) to increase the technology pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of prospective biology teachers. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 18(1), 20-24. Abstract: “This study aims to examine the use…

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Tang, M. D. (2023). Implementing the first thoughts of technology integration in teaching mathematics for preservice teachers. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 30(2), 59-75. Abstract: “This study aims to implement preservice teachers’ first thoughts on the role of spreadsheets in learning specific mathematics content. The article presents…

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Uygun, T., Sendur, A., Dere, R., & Ozcakir, B. (2023). Development of TPACK with web 2.0 tools: Design-based study. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(3), 445-465. Abstract: “This mixed-method study, which aimed to examine the development of teacher candidates, was organized as a design-based study. During the 14-week instructional…

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Thohir, M. A., Ahdhianto, E., Mas’ula, S., April Yanti, F., & Sukarelawan, M. I. (2023). The effects of TPACK and facility condition on preservice teachers’ acceptance of virtual reality in science education course. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), ep407. Abstract: “Virtual reality (VR) is developing in line with the establishment of…

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