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Tag: nearpod

Crawford, E. L. (2024).  Middle school teachers’ perceptions of using Google Classroom with integrated apps (Publication No. 15356) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. Abstract: “The problem addressed through this qualitative study was that middle school teachers in a suburban public school district in the southern United…

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Castro, C. S. (2023). Professional development, digital platforms, and middle school education during COVID-19 (Publication No. 2928412744) [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “The COVID-19 outbreak shifted towards online learning, requiring educators and administrators to adapt to new digital platforms and technologies quickly. The purpose of this quantitative…

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Wurigen, Z. (2022). Applying Nearpod to the teaching Chinese as a second language class to enhance interactions and collaborations in the secondary schools. Psychology Research, 12(2), 49-57.  Abstract: “The quick spread of the epidemic since 2019 together with fast advancing of technology has exposed teachers to online education, including…

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