Köymen, D. N. (2023). Pedagogical takeaways of middle school mathematics teachers after emergency remote teaching experiences due to COVID-19 (Publication No. 107752) [Master’s thesis, Middle Eastern Technical University]. OpenMETU. https://hdl.handle.net/11511/107752 Abstract: “This study investigated the pedagogical takeaways of middle school mathematics teachers after their experiences in the emergency remote teaching…
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Brunetto, D., & Iacono, U. D. (2023). Teaching mathematics with digital tools: An Italian high school teachers’ perspective. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 30(4), 205–212. https://doi.org/10.1564/tme_v30.4.1 Abstract: “In recent years, we have witnessed rapid technological and digital changes that have inevitably affected mathematics education. This article presents findings…
Comments closedLasak, P. ., Chaichowarat , R. ., & Saeueng, A. . (2023). When teacher educator use Design Thinking (DT) to design learning experiences for mathematics student teacher. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning, 4(3), 1–10. https://so10.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jote/article/view/1004 Abstract: “This article aims to explore how to use Design Thinking (DT) to create a…
Comments closedPörn, R., Braskén, M., Wingren, M., & Andersson, S. (2024). Attitudes towards and expectations on the role of artificial intelligence in the classroom among digitally skilled Finnish K-12 mathematics teachers. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.31129/lumat.12.3.2102 Abstract: “The growing impact and importance of artificial intelligence…
Comments closedYildiz, E., & Arpaci, I. (2024). Understanding pre-service mathematics teachers’ intentions to use GeoGebra: The role of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-024-12614-1 Abstract: “The research investigated the “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge” (TPACK) of pre-service mathematics teachers and its impact on their sustained intention to utilize GeoGebra…
Comments closedSimuja, C., & Shikesho, H. (2024). Investigating the experiences of mathematics teacher technology integration in the selected rural primary schools in Namibia. International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Education, 3(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijtee.340028 Abstract: “This qualitative case study investigated the experiences of 15 purposely selected mathematics teachers’ technology integration in Namibia’s selected rural…
Comments closedNkundabakura, P., Nsengimana, T., Uwamariya, E., Nyirahabimana, P., Nkurunziza, J. B., Mukamwambali, C., Dushimimana, J. C., Batamuliza, J., Byukusenge, C., & Iyauremeye, A. (2024). Effectiveness of the continuous professional development training on upper primary mathematics and science and elementary technology teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Rwanda. Discover Education, 3, Article…
Comments closedBackfish, I., Sibley, L., Lachner, A., Kirchner, K. Ta., Hische, C., & Scheiter, K. (2024). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): Utility-value interventions support knowledge integration. Teaching and Teacher Education, 142, Article 104532. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104532 Abstract: “For meaningful technology-enhanced teaching, teachers need to systematically integrate the basic components of…
Comments closedRichardson, S. (2009). Mathematics teachers’ development, exploration, and advancement of technological pedagogical content knowledge in the teaching and learning of algebra. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2). https://citejournal.org/volume-9/issue-2-09/mathematics/mathematics-teachers-development-exploration-and-advancement-of-technological-pedagogical-content-knowledge-in-the-teaching-and-learning-of-algebra Abstract: “This article describes experiences from a professional development project designed to prepare in-service eighth-grade mathematics teachers to develop, explore, and advance technological…
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