Villanueva, E. D. (2024). Management skills of educational managers and the advancement of technological pedagogical knowledge of teachers in private junior high schools in Davao City. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, VIII(II), 455–503. Abstract: “Technology plays a great role in innovating and renovating contemporary teaching…
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Thomas, T., Herring, M., Redmond, P., & Smaldino, S. (2013). Leading change and innovation in teacher preparation: A blueprint for developing TPACK ready teacher candidates. Tech Trends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 57(5), 55-63. Abstract (excerpt): “When preparing TPACK ready teacher candidates, faculty must incorporate and model…
Comments closedDexter, S., Herring, M., & Thomas T. (2012). Editorial: Technology leadership for the teacher education initiative. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(3), 255-263. Abstract: “Teacher education leaders must attend to leadership practices that set direction, develop people, and redesign their programs of teacher education in order to…
Comments closedHerring, M., Thomas, T., & Redmond, P. (2014). Special editorial: Technology leadership for preparing tomorrow’s teachers to use technology. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 30(3), 76-80. Abstract: “Teacher education leaders must attend to leadership practices that set direction, develop people, and redesign their programs of teacher education…
Comments closedHolland, D. J. (2015). Principal technology leadership and student achievement (Publication No. 3702194) [Doctoral dissertation, University of West Georgia]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “The purpose of this study was to determine if principal technology leadership skills are significantly correlated with of student achievement. Surveys were distributed to all…
Comments closedLambert, M. P. (2015). Technology practices and 21st century learning: A high school case study (Publication No. 3704238) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “This qualitative case study applies the Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to understand the integration and perceived impact of…
Comments closedWatson, M. (2021). Blended learning at an urban alternative high school (Publication No. 28318056) [Doctoral dissertation, St. Thomas University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “Blended learning is defined by its combination of traditional face-to-face and online educational resources. It requires that students have some control over some element of…
Comments closedShiburi, M. J. (2021). The role of school based ICT committee members in the integration of ICT in full ICT schools (Publication No. 30361044) [Master’s thesis, University of Johannesburg]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “Despite the huge investment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources by Gauteng Department of…
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