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Tag: inservice teachers

Lee S-M, Wu JG. Preparing teachers for the future: Microteaching in the immersive VR environment. ReCALL. Advance online publication. Abstract: “The present study aims to explore how pre- and in-service language teachers incorporate the cutting-edge technology of immersive virtual reality (iVR) into their teaching practice. Specifically, the study examined how…

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Brunetto, D., & Iacono, U. D. (2023). Teaching mathematics with digital tools: An Italian high school teachers’ perspective. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 30(4), 205–212. Abstract: “In recent years, we have witnessed rapid technological and digital changes that have inevitably affected mathematics education. This article presents findings…

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Qadikolaei, A. M., Marzban, A., Alamdari, E. F. (2024). Investigating the level of TPACK among Iranian EFL teachers in relation to their educational background and teaching experience. Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 3(2), 1-17. Abstract: “This survey research looked at Iranian EFL teachers’ level of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge…

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Damrongpanit, S., Chamrat, S., & Manokarn, M. (2023). The development of skills and awareness in integrating content, teaching methods, and technology in the learning management for teachers in the education sandbox, Thailand. International Journal of Advanced And Applied Sciences, 10(11), 202–212. Abstract: “This research aims to develop science teachers…

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Meaney, T., Huru, H. L., & Kvivesen, M. (2023). Preservice and inservice teachers’ views on digital tools for diverse learners in mathematics education. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 28(3-4), 103-123. Abstract: “Although teachers are expected to use digital tools in their mathematics teaching in many countries, little is known…

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Uçar, M. B. (2024). Exploring in-service science teachers’ proficiency levels and nature of interactions among components of technological pedagogical and content knowledge-practical (Publication No. 108296) [Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University]. OpenMETU. Abstract: “This study aimed to explore the proficiency levels and the nature of interplays among Technological Pedagogical…

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Subrata, H., Rachmadiyanti, P., Indrawati, D., & Abidin, Z. (2024). TPCK investigation of Javanese language learning in Indonesian elementary schools: Application of technology and a pedagogical approach. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 7(1). Abstract: “This research was conducted to explore the application of pedagogical content technology (TPCK)…

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Čipková, E., Karolčík, Š., Fuchs, M., & Vaněková, H. (2024). Slovak science teachers’ TPACK and their attitudes toward educational technologies. Journal of Science Teacher Education. Advance online publication. Abstract: “Enormous scientific and technological development has brought the requirement of appropriate implementation of technologies into the educational process. The use of educational technologies is determined by…

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Chiu, T. K. F., Falloon, G., Song, Y., Wong, V. W. L., Zhao, L., & Ismailov, M. A self-determination theory approach to teacher digital competence development. Computers & Education, 214, Article 105017. Abstract: “Teacher Digital Competence (TDC) framework guides policy revision and professional development, empowering teachers for future classrooms…

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Naing, I. R., & Wiedarti, P. (2023). Scrutinizing EFL teachers’ TPACK mastery level in teaching English based on gender and schools status disparities. Al-Islah Jurnal Pendidikan, 15(2), 1859-1870.  Abstract: “The existing technologies have profoundly influenced technology integration in teaching activities. However, integrating technology into English Language teaching is not…

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