Chai, C. S., Jong, M., Yin, H., Chen, M., & Zhou, W. (2019). Validating and modelling teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge for integrative science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 22(3), 61–73. Abstract: “The integrative approach of teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)…
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Pan, N., Lau, H., Lai, W. (2010). Sharing e-learning innovation across disciplines: An encounter between engineering and teacher education. Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 8(1), 31-40. Abstract: “One of the major teaching challenges of higher education is helping students to bridge knowledge with real life practice. This is especially important…
Comments closedChai, C.S., Rahmawati, Y., & Jong, M. S-Y. (2022). Indonesian science, mathematics, and engineering preservice teachers’ experiences in STEM-TPACK design-based learning. Sustainability, 12, Article 9050. Abstract: “This paper presents Indonesian preservice teachers’ experiences in designing a Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics-Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (STEM-TPACK) learning website. The framework of TPACK…
Comments closedLiu, D. (2022). The factors of enhancing graduate teaching assistants’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) performance in engineering curriculum teaching. Discover Education, 1, Article 17. Abstract: “Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) play important roles in engineering education at the undergraduate level. Since there are lots of technological content knowledge (TCK) in…
Comments closedHassan, N. F., & Saifullizam, P. (2017). A survey of technology enabled active learning in teaching and learning practices to enhance the quality of engineering students. Advanced Science Letters, 23(2), 1104-1108. doi:10.1166/asl.2017.7509 Abstract: “In this study, a survey was carried out on the use of Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) in…
Comments closedMutanga, P., Nezandonyi, J., & Bhukuvhani, C. (2018). Enhancing engineering education through technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK): A case study. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 14(3), 38–49. Abstract: “This study analysed the status of TPACK knowledge and its impact on the quality of technical…
Comments closedKinnari-Korpela, H. (2019). Enhancing learning in engineering mathematics education: Utilising educational technology and promoting active learning (Doctoral dissertation, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland). Retrieved from Abstract: “This study contributes to the discussion of development of engineering mathematics education from two different perspectives: to explore the possibilities to enhance engineering mathematics teaching…
Comments closedMohd Noor, N., Alwadood, Z., Sulaiman, H., & Adb Halim, S. (2019). The prospect of teaching and learning engineering mathematical courses using learning tool. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 9(7), 510–519. Abstract: “Mathematic is often perceived as difficult subject by most students, even from engineering background.…
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