Hosek, V. A. (2018). Locating the critical component in technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK): An examination of how graduate students recruit TPACK and critical digital literacy into classroom practices (Publication No. 10978267) [Doctoral dissertation, Illinois State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/etd/1011 Abstract: “The objectives of this study…
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Orakova, A., Nametkulova, F., Issayeva, G., Mukhambetzhanova, S., Galimzhanova, M., & Rezuanova, G. (2024). The relationships between pedagogical and technological competence and digital literacy level of teachers. Journal Of Curriculum Studies Research, 6(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.46303/jcsr.2024.2 Abstract: “With the use of technology in education, the integration of digital literacy and technological skills with pedagogy has…
Comments closedVelander, J., Taiye, M.A., Otero, N. & Milrad, M. (2023). Artificial intelligence in K-12 education: Eliciting and reflecting on Swedish teachers’ understanding of AI and its implications for teaching & learning. Advance online publication. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11990-4 Abstract: “Uncovering patterns and trends in vast, ever-increasing quantities of data…
Comments closedDarsih, E., Agustiana, V., & Rahmatunisa, W. (2023). Exploring the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in online teaching among EFL lecturers. English Review: Journal of English Education, 11(2). https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE/article/view/7570 Abstract: “This study is conducted based on the consideration of the importance of technology literacy for lecturers in online…
Comments closedDeCoito, I. (2023). STEMifying teacher education: A Canadian context. In S. M. Al-Balushi, L. Martin-Hansen, & Y. Song (Eds.), Reforming science teacher education programs in the STEM era. Advance online publication. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27334-6_3 Abstract: “Teacher education should be instrumental in imparting best pedagogical strategies and providing opportunities for teachers…
Comments closedTeichert, L., Piazza, S., & Hinga, J. (2023). Teachers’ digital pedagogies and experiences in virtual classrooms. Improving Schools. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/13654802231175398 Abstract: “The global pandemic has revealed a number of inequalities in education for students in Michigan, USA. Teachers were tasked with a sudden shift to online instruction as…
Comments closedBarekat, M., Naeimi, A., & Maibodi, A. H. (2023). Revisiting blended learning in TPACK: A content-based study of themes and implications. Research in English Language Pedagogy. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.30486/relp.2022.1952313.1363 Abstract: “Blended learning is used in education to combine information and communications technology. The technology role in blended learning might…
Comments closedZubaidah, S., Angraini, E., & Susanto, H. (2023). TPACK-based active learning to promote digital and scientific literacy in genetics. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(2), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.13.02.07 Abstract: “Active learning is centred on students and encourages them to participate in various classroom activities, with the teacher as a facilitator.…
Comments closedZimmerman, F., Melle, I., & Huwer, J. (2021). Developing prospective chemistry teachers’ TPACK – A comparison of two different universities and expertise levels regarding their TPACK self-efficacy, attitude, and lesson planning competence. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(6), 1863-1874. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01296 Abstract: “The aim of this study was to investigate how to…
Comments closedFazilla, S., Yus, A., & Muthmainnah, M. (2022). Digital literacy and TPACK’s impact on preservice elementary teachers’ ability to develop science learning tools. Profesi Pendidikan Dasar, 9(1), 71-80. doi:https://doi.org/10.23917/ppd.v9i1.17493 Abstract: “The transition of education from the 4.0 era of the Industrial Revolution to the 5.0 era of the Social Revolution necessitates…
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