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Tag: computational thinking

Cheng, E.C.K., Lander, B., & Kuramoto, T. (2024). Creating conditions for transposing lesson study. In E.C.K. Cheng, & B. Lander (Eds.), Implementing a 21st century competency-based curriculum through lesson study. Routledge. Abstract: “This chapter emphasises the value of Lesson Study in implementing the 21st-century curriculum and addressing the challenges…

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Li, X., Sang, G., Valcke, M., & van Braak, J. (2024). Computational thinking integrated into the English language curriculum in primary education: A systematic review. Education Information and Technologies. Abstract: “Computational thinking (CT) is valued as a thinking process that is required to adapt to the development of curriculum…

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Sawyer, B. M. (2022). The exploration of middle school math teachers’ computational thinking skills self-assessment scores and student achievement in mathematics (Publication No. 29394566) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilkes University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “While mathematics achievement continues to decline across the United States, minimal research has been conducted on…

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Hijón-Neira, R., Connolly, C., Pizarro, C., & Pérez-Marín, D. (2023). Prototype of a recommendation model with artificial intelligence for computational thinking improvement of secondary education students. Computers, 12(6), Article 113. Abstract: “There is a growing interest in finding new ways to address the difficult task of introducing programming to…

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Zha, S., Morrow, D. A. L., Curtis, J., & Mitchell, S. (2021). Learning culture and computational thinking in a spanish course: A development model. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(5), 844–869. Abstract: “Computer science and computational thinking (CT) education in K-12 schools have been escalating in recent years. A couple…

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Helsa, Y., Turmudi, & Juandi, D. (2023). TPACK-based hybrid learning model design for computational thinking skills achievement in mathematics. Journal on Mathematics Education, 14(2), 225–252. Abstract: “Hybrid learning implementation is closely related with technology. In designing hybrid lessons, lecturers need to have both the pedagogical and content-related skills that…

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Saritepeci, M. (2022). Modelling the effect of TPACK and computational thinking on classroom management in technology enriched courses. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 27(4), 1155–1169. Abstract: “One of the fundamental obstacles associated with technology integration into educational settings is classroom management problems. In this sense, it is important to delve into the…

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Luo, F., Ijeluola, S.A., Westerlund, J. Walker, A., Denham, A., Walker, J., & Young, C. (2023). Supporting elementary teachers’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in computational thinking integration. Journal of Science Education and Technology. Advance online publication. Abstract: “As more states in the USA require elementary schools to offer…

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Lorenz, R., Heldt, M., & Eickelmann, B. (2022) Relevance of pre-service teacher training to use ICT for the actual use in classrooms – focus on German secondary schools. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 31(5), 563-577. Abstract: “Integrating digital media into education and fostering school students’ competencies in computational thinking and media literacy requires…

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Kong, S., Lai, M., & Li, Y. (2023). Scaling up a teacher development programme for sustainable computational thinking education: TPACK surveys, concept tests and primary school visits. Computers & Education, 194. Abstract: “Computational thinking (CT) education in K-12 requires extensive teacher development. This research investigates the effectiveness of a…

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