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Tag: barriers

Hosek, V. A. (2018). Locating the critical component in technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK): An examination of how graduate students recruit TPACK and critical digital literacy into classroom practices (Publication No. 10978267) [Doctoral dissertation, Illinois State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Abstract: “The objectives of this study…

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Cardenas-Rubio, A. (2023). Perspectives on educational technology integration from district and school leaders before, during, and after the lifting of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions (Publication No. 2928491588) [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “The integration of educational technology is pivotal in enhancing classroom instruction. School administrators must possess a clear…

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Pamuk, S. (2011), Understanding preservice teachers’ technology use through TPACK framework. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(5), 425-439. Abstract: “This study discusses preservice teachers’ achievement barriers to technology integration, using principles of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as an evaluative framework. Technology-capable participants each freely chose a content area…

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Wachira, P., & Keengwe, J. (2011). Technology integration barriers: Urban school mathematics teachers perspectives. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 17-25. Abstract: “Despite the promise of technology in education, many practicing teachers face several challenges when trying to effectively integrate technology into their classroom instruction. Additionally, while national…

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An, Y-J., & Reigeluth, C. (2011-2012). Creating technology-enhanced, learner-centered classrooms: K-12 teachers’ beliefs, perceptions, barriers, and support needs. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(2), 54-62. Abstract: “Although a wealth of literature discusses the factors that affect technology integration in general and how to improve professional development efforts,…

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Lewis, D. H. (2012). Enhanced one-to-one technology integration through elementary teachers’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (Publication No. 3547440) [Doctoral dissertation, The University of West Florida]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “Although technology, pedagogy, and content are three separate knowledge domains, the interactions of these three domains comprise the…

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Hechter, R. P. & Vermette, L. A. (2013). Technology integration in K-12 science classrooms: An analysis of barriers and implications. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 6(2), 73-90. Abstract: “This paper examines the barriers to technology integration for Manitoban K-12 inservice science educators (n = 430) based on a…

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Machado, C. & Laverick, D. (2015). Technology integration in K-12 classrooms: The impact of graduate coursework on teachers’ knowledge and practice. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 23(1), 79-106. Abstract:  “The cohort approach, which has gained popularity with graduate level programs in the United States, presented the researchers with the unique…

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Bakir, N. (2015). An exploration of contemporary realities of technology and teacher education: Lessons learned. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(3), 117–130. Abstract: “In order to better prepare preservice teachers to teach with technology, this study examines the current practices and barriers in technology implementation in three…

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Jones, D., Heffernan, A., & Albion, P. R. (2015). TPACK as shared practice: Toward a research agenda. In L. Liu & D. C. Gibson (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2015 (pp. 13-20). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). Abstract: “The task of using Information and…

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