Dewi, F., Nasution, N. V., Nasution, W. N., Anas, N., & Mustaqim, A. (2024). Development of TPACK based learning media on ablution material to increase student understanding. Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research, 4(3), 169–176. Abstract: “This research aims to develop TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) based learning…
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Ichsan, R., A, M. H. A., Raupu, S., & Nasaruddin, N. (2023). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge on statistics material in junior high school. Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, 1(2). Abstract: “Learning modules designed based on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) are very important to improve the learning experience…
Comments closedFaizal, Khoirunnisa, & Budiono, H. (2023). Modules based on technological pedagogical content knowledge to improve elementary students’ science domain. International Journal of Elementary Education, 7(4), 616–625. Abstract: “The use of teaching modules based on technological pedagogical content knowledge has not been used to the maximum because teachers are still focused…
Comments closedWisaka, I. G. N. B. R., Wijaya, M. A., & Suwiwa, I. G. (2023). Development of ICT TPACK-oriented learning media for gymnastics material of Grade VIII junior high school students. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan, 12(1), 156-166. Abstract: “This study aims to develop an ICT-TPACK-oriented learning video for…
Comments closedSubagja, S., Rubini, B., & Kurniasih, S. (2023). The development of interactive multimedia based on TPACK to enhance students’ science process skills on living cell matter. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(5), 4055–4062. Abstract: “This work aims to create interactive multimedia based on TPACK to enhance students’ science process skills…
Comments closedBayu, I. W. (2023). ICT TPACK-oriented of floor gymnastics learning media for elementary school students. Journal of Education Technology, 7(1), 34-44. Abstract: “Physical education teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic generally used textbooks and video tutorials to visualize basic gymnastic movements. It makes it difficult for students to learn. This…
Comments closedAmaliyah, N. (2023). Development of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge-based learning media. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 25(1), 107-116. Abstract: “Problems in education are very diverse, one of which is that students are lazy to read and do not understand how to draw the right conclusions so that this has an…
Comments closedZulkarnaen, Z., Efwinda, S., & Sulaeman, N. F. (2023). TPACK implementation on energy topic: Reading comprehension and feasibility of teaching material. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 13(1). Abstract: “This research is the “Development” stage of the type of R&D research with the ADDIE Model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and…
Comments closedMasayu, M. M., Misrita, & Karani, E. (2022). Developing local content reading material based on TPACK framework for seventh grade students. Intensive Journal, 5(2), 127-135. Abstract: “This research aims to develop a material for seventh graders, with the topics of Local Content based on TPACK framework. The local content…
Comments closedNugraha, C. A., Kuswandi, D., & Praherdhiono, H. (2022). Teacher professional development to train digital skills with technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 24(3), 330-340. Abstract: “During the Covid-19 pandemic, the trend of blended learning increased rapidly. The Indonesian government provides various supporting facilities for blended learning,…
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