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Tag: activity theory

Terpstra, M. A. (2009). Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Preservice teachers’ perceptions of how they learn to use educational technology in their teaching (Publication No. 3381410) [Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Abstract: “This study uses activity theory and current conceptions of knowledge for teaching content…

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Ramanair, J. (2014).  Integrating technology in tertiary level English language programmes: Case studies of Moodle learning environments [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Waikato]. The University of Waikato Research Commons. Abstract: “While the potential of technology to enhance language pedagogy has been realised in some English language learning environments, there…

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Terpstra, M. (2014).  TPACKtivity: An activity-theory lens for examining TPACK development. In C. Angeli & N. Valanides (Eds.), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 63-88). Springer. Abstract: “TPACKtivity is discussed as a means to examine preservice teachers’ TPACK development. TPACKtivity employs activity theory to identify objectives, mediating tools, rules and…

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Marwan, A., & Sweeney, T. (2018). Using activity theory to analyse contractions in English teachers’ technology integration. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28, 115–125. Abstract: “This paper reports on a qualitative research project investigating the integration of technology by three English teachers in a public secondary school in Indonesia. Third generation activity…

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