Amhag, L., Hellstrom, L., & Stigmar, M. (2019). Teacher educators’ use of digital tools and needs for digital competence in higher education. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 35(4), 203–220. Abstract: “Based on a study at two Swedish universities, this article aimed to identify teacher educators’ use of digital…
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Alvarez-Otero, J., & de Lazaro y Torres, M. L. (2018). Education in sustainable development goals using the spatial data infrastructures and the TPACK model. Education Sciences, 8(4), 171. Abstract: “Education in Sustainable Development Goals is a basic step in attaining its objectives, and, therefore, it has been undertaken by broad…
Comments closedAl-Gumaei, G. S., Alzouebi, K., & Abdelaziz, H. A. (2019). The Islamic studies teachers’ perception of integrating ICT into the teaching and learning in the UAE public schools: Challenges, opportunities and practices. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 10(2), 69–82. Abstract: “This article investigates Islamic Studies teachers’ perceptions in integrating ICT,…
Comments closedAkuma, F. V., & Callaghan, R. (2019). A systematic review characterizing and clarifying intrinsic teaching challenges linked to inquiry-based practical work. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(5), 619–648. Abstract: “Since scientific literacy has become a key goal in science education, many people have argued in favor of the incorporation…
Comments closedSwallow, M. J. C., & Will-Dubyak, K. (2020). Exploring digitally enhanced literacy practices with preservice teachers. In P. M. Sullivan, J. L. Lantz, & B. A. Sullivan (Eds.), Handbook of research on integrating digital technology with literacy pedagogies (pp. 394–416). IGI Global. Abstract: “Two professors in a teacher preparation program…
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