Wang, T. (2024). Using lesson study as a strategy to build in-service teacher’s capacity of K-12 AI education in Hong Kong. In E. C. K. Cheng, & B. Lander (Eds.), Implementing a 21st century competency-based curriculum through lesson study (pp. 202–219). Abstract: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) education is a rapidly…
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Orakcı, Ş. & Gelişli, Y. (2024). Technology integration in higher education: An investigation of Aksaray University preservice teachers’ perceptions. In F. Al Husseiny & A. Munna (Eds.), Revitalizing the learning ecosystem for modern students (pp. 50-72). IGI Global. Abstract: “The study aims to examine the TPACK levels of preservice teachers studying…
Comments closedSynychych, M. (2024). Integrating technology and access to digital literacy in secondary education in British education. In M. T. Tatto (Ed.), Empowering teachers for equitable and sustainable education (pp. 109 – 129). Taylor & Francis. Abstract: “This action research study was conducted in British Columbia and employed an embedded…
Comments closedCheng, E.C.K., Lander, B., & Kuramoto, T. (2024). Creating conditions for transposing lesson study. In E.C.K. Cheng, & B. Lander (Eds.), Implementing a 21st century competency-based curriculum through lesson study. Routledge. Abstract: “This chapter emphasises the value of Lesson Study in implementing the 21st-century curriculum and addressing the challenges…
Comments closedRahimi, M., & Pourshahbaz, S. (2018). The technological pedagogical content knowledge of EFL teachers (EFL TPACK). In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th ed.; pp. 7659–7670). IGI Global. Abstract: “Teaching is known to be one of the most stressful occupations ever since teachers are believed to suffer from…
Comments closedKoehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2008). Introducing TPCK. AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology (Ed.), The handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators (pp. 3-29). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Abstract: “We introduce the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a way of thinking about the knowledge teachers need…
Comments closedHuwer, J., Irion, T., Kuntze, S., Schaal, S., & Thyssen, C. (2019). From TPaCK to DPaCK – Digitalization in education requires more than technical knowledge. In M. Shelly & A. Kiray (Eds.), Education research highlights in mathematics, science and technology 2019 (pp. 298-309). IRES Publishing. Abstract: None
Comments closedFoster, A. (2012). Assessing learning games for school content: The TPACK-PCaRD framework and methodology. In: D. Ifenthaler, D. Eseryel, & X. Ge (Eds.). Assessment in game-based learning (pp. 201-215). Springer. Abstract: “Game-based learning is varied and so are the assessments and methods used to determine what is learned with…
Comments closedHarris, J., & Huang, T. (2023). Contextual influences in TP(A)CK research: Bronfenbrenner and beyond. In D. C. Gibson, M. N. Ochoa & Y. Jin (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2023 (pp. 73-83). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Abstract: “This critical review examines…
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