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Pulukadang, W. T., Yantari,  W. M., & Pulukadang, M. A. (2023). Development of 21st Century learning tools through a scientific approach based on HOTS and TPACK in elementary schools. Global Scientific Review, 22, 110–123.


“The study aims to generate a 21st century learning device design (Lesson Plan, Teaching Material, and Learning Evaluation) through a scientific approach based on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) and PACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) in elementary schools. At the same time, this present study applies a Research and Development method based on the development research model of Saputro, which adopts modifications from Borg and Gall and Sugiono, namely preliminary studies, model development/design, and testing. Meanwhile, this study is only up to the model design phase.”

Published in Journal article Instrument testing