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Cindrić, I., &Gregurić, M. (2023). An example of the TPACK model in pre-service language teacher education: Action research with unforseen interventions. In M. N. Güngör (Ed.), Action research in language teaching and teacher education: Voices from diverse contexts (pp. 377-404). BlackSwan.


“The integration of technology in foreign language teaching as a means of improving the teaching process takes, according to Motteram (2013), a central position in foreign language teaching. This chapter presents the results of action research initiated with the aim to implement the TPACK model in pre-service language teacher education. Specifically, through team-teaching a course, second-year students of primary teacher education and English language acquired technological knowledge. This knowledge, combined with acquired content and pedagogical knowledge, culminated in a project that seamlessly integrated technology into language teacher education. Considering its cyclical nature, the action research first conducted in 2018 (Cindrić & Gregurić, 2019) was modified over the years according to the reflections and observations of both students and instructors. In 2022, the action research cycle was affected by an unplanned intervention in the form of remote teaching. The implications of this unforeseen intervention in the action research on teaching, learning, and the achievement of learning outcomes will be presented in this chapter.”

Published in Report of practice Book chapter Empirical research